That was awesome, that synth tone is on point!
That was awesome, that synth tone is on point!
Glad you liked it!
I like all those old sonic sounds :D I need to get the Orginals to sonic.. and this will be a nice thing to have with them :D
hahaha this stuff is so funny ! I wish I could play as good as you !!! That solo KILLS!
Well sonny Jim, it takes many years of practice to be this good. I lock myself in my room for 23 hours a day learning the art of guitar. The extra hour is spent masturbating.
HJahafsahukg fvag fas r jadrydajkt
Now that is Funny !!!!! lmao greatt annoying song lol
thanks. I am a very annoying person.
I love this type o f music !
he sound in this music is great ! It reminds me of sonc games,lol... But like someone said below it is like classic games from way back when. Make more :D Lovin' the lead to this :D
XD I'll see if I can ever pull it off again. :) You should watch the anime, "Slayers", too, if you get the chance.
Same old..
This song is not one of your good ones.. probably one of your worst actually. It seems to be too high pitch to go on for so long. Also it gets repetive and seems to be the same thing for the entire 3+ minitis ? . There are some nice "pause" places that adds more when it comes back in.. but the highness of it seems to take away from the song. Nice try .
Yeah I know. Sometime after submitting this I realized I had bombed it with the overall screechinees it had with the pitches so high. People seemed to like, nontheless, though. Whatev...
Good song..
This song is good, but in some area's or such I'm thinking there should be a little mealody playing through our or something. Just add more to it maybe? Anyways good job :)
thaks for reviewing, i messed with the arrangement of the song alot, and this was the best i had. i'm glad that everyone has their own opinion, i just try to catter to my likes and hope that everyone else likes it too.
This is really good ! I like it I already downloaded it and I'm going to get more of your songs off here. The Trupets are sweet :D
:( the trombone player is cool too...*looks in mirror*
I play Guitar and Skateboard.
Age 35, Male
Grade 11
Nova Scotia, Canada
Joined on 6/2/05